
Marcs Updater

There have been some reports about issues with the Updater not updating anymore. Please try the latest beta version and switch to another IP Check provider instead of the previous default dnsomatic.com. For some reason they are rate-limiting the number of requests to their service. The new IP Check provider selection allows you to choose another provider in such cases. You can test the functionality with the new "Test" panel.

If you want to add a custom provider to the unstable testing version, store a JSON file like the following under %PROGRAMDATA%\Marcs Updater\ServiceProviders\dyndns.json:

    "name": "DynDNS.org (Test)",
    "endpoint": "https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update",
    "method": "GET",
    "queryString": "hostname={HOSTNAME}&myip={MYIP}",
    "dataPayload": "",
    "defaults": {
        "username": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "hostname": "test1.customtest.dyndns.org"

Supported query and payload tags are {USERNAME}, {PASSWORD}, {HOSTNAME} and {MYIP}. Restart the background service and foreground application to apply any changes.

Issue created on


Posted on

Malte wrote:

Marc, let me first thank you for this great tool.

I have one problem, though: I am running the current version of the updater on XP (Build 229 2010-10-10 PB 451 x86). I have set the update interval to 5 minutes, no tray autostart, updating OpenDNS. When I switch on my DSL router (new IP address), then the PC, the updater process runs, but it takes 30-40 mins until the update actually happens. I can enforce immediate update by starting the systray process (as admin) and confirm "OK", but this is not what I want (I want my kids' sessions to be filtered through OpenDNS when they switch on their PCs).

Any help would be appreciated.



Posted on

Marc wrote:

Hello Malte, I did just release a new version that should fix the problem you are facing. Please give it a try.


Posted on

Malte wrote:

I installed the new version. Problem: I do not seem to get any updates any more. When running the diagnosis tool, there is no IP showing up in the HTTPS section. HTTP and DNS show the correct IP. I tried installing the old version, which worked as before (does update, and shows HTTPS IP). Is there any trick to observe regarding the HTTPS connections?


Posted on

Marc wrote:

Should be fixed now. Please update to version


Posted on

Malte wrote:

OK, I did a few tests. HTTPS works now. But, unfortunately, it still takes a long time (50 minutes) before the first update happens (same settings as in my first post). But: After the first update, I renewed my DSL connection (got a new IP number), and 5 minutes later, the next update took place. So it seems that only the initial update after starting the updater service is a problem.

If you need more details or tests, you can also contact me via email (I assume you can extract the address from disqus).


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Marc wrote:

Are you sure your IP has changed since the last update? The last IP is stored in the registry and if the public IP is still equal to that one, no update is send, even if the service is restarted.


Posted on

Malte wrote:

Yes, I verified that the IP had changed after restarting my DSL router. I practically sat there waiting for the updater to recognize the new IP, which happened after 50 minutes. Also, I uninstalled the previous version before installing the new one.


Posted on

Malte wrote:

Here's an observation that might or might not be related to the issue: The registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Marcs Updater\Service\Time has a POSIX time value that treats local time as GMT. Concrete example: My latest update was at 23:07 GMT+1, the registry value is 1295910440 which is 23:07 GMT (so, 00:07 GMT+1, an hour ahead of the actual update time).