
Marcs Updater

There have been some reports about issues with the Updater not updating anymore. Please try the latest beta version and switch to another IP Check provider instead of the previous default dnsomatic.com. For some reason they are rate-limiting the number of requests to their service. The new IP Check provider selection allows you to choose another provider in such cases. You can test the functionality with the new "Test" panel.

If you want to add a custom provider to the unstable testing version, store a JSON file like the following under %PROGRAMDATA%\Marcs Updater\ServiceProviders\dyndns.json:

    "name": "DynDNS.org (Test)",
    "endpoint": "https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update",
    "method": "GET",
    "queryString": "hostname={HOSTNAME}&myip={MYIP}",
    "dataPayload": "",
    "defaults": {
        "username": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "hostname": "test1.customtest.dyndns.org"

Supported query and payload tags are {USERNAME}, {PASSWORD}, {HOSTNAME} and {MYIP}. Restart the background service and foreground application to apply any changes.

Issue created on


Posted on

Keertoliver wrote:

My isp diconnects my connection every 36 hours (1,5 day). So im given a new ip. The computer running the updater doesnt shut down for long periods.
If i log on to this computer, i keep getting balloons telling me the ip was updated. So lets say it was 31 days ago i logged in, i had to click twenty times (31 days divided by 1,5 days) on a balloon from the updater telling me the ip was updated.
Could it be that the updater craches if there are to many update balloons?


Posted on

Marc wrote:

That's weird. The updater sends a balloon to windows at the time an update is made while the systray process is running. Windows handles the balloon queuing and displaying, there is nothing I can do to remove balloons again and actually sending a new one should just overwrite the previous one. Which Windows version are you using?


Posted on

Keertoliver wrote:

Im unable to reproduce the problem. I really had this problem, but its gone now.
im on xp pro sp1 btw