
Marcs Updater

There have been some reports about issues with the Updater not updating anymore. Please try the latest beta version and switch to another IP Check provider instead of the previous default dnsomatic.com. For some reason they are rate-limiting the number of requests to their service. The new IP Check provider selection allows you to choose another provider in such cases. You can test the functionality with the new "Test" panel.

If you want to add a custom provider to the unstable testing version, store a JSON file like the following under %PROGRAMDATA%\Marcs Updater\ServiceProviders\dyndns.json:

    "name": "DynDNS.org (Test)",
    "endpoint": "https://members.dyndns.org/nic/update",
    "method": "GET",
    "queryString": "hostname={HOSTNAME}&myip={MYIP}",
    "dataPayload": "",
    "defaults": {
        "username": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "hostname": "test1.customtest.dyndns.org"

Supported query and payload tags are {USERNAME}, {PASSWORD}, {HOSTNAME} and {MYIP}. Restart the background service and foreground application to apply any changes.

Issue created on


Posted on

www wrote:

Is there a way to disable the "you are not using OpenDNS nameservers" notification?


Posted on

www wrote:

After a reboot, it stopped doing that. :) Thank you.


Posted on

cmyers wrote:

I did a reboot and the balloons still keep popping up. Is there a way to disable them?


Posted on

Marc wrote:

This balloon message will be removed in the next version. The next version will be a more general updater, without focus on OpenDNS or DNS-O-Matic. I am working on it from time to time, but it will probably take some weeks until a new version is released.